Friday, September 2, 2011

Arcade Games in 20th Century: Part 4 - Arcades and Personal Computers

Even though arcades had survived the rapid increase of video game technologies, their time had seemingly passed.  Every year game technologies become more and more advanced, allowing games to become more complex and realistic.  Video arcade games, with their poor graphics and low capabilities could not hold peoples interest any more.

One thing that became possible with the rise of video game technologies, was the ability for one to play different games on a single platform, this occurred when the personal computer (PC) appeared.

Back then computers had very few capabilities, and the installation of arcade games required a great deal of time; as did running the games on early PCs.  Despite these disadvantages, computers became the number one choice of many gamers.

Early video arcade games could be played only on arcade cabinets, which were specially designed for them.  Personal computers quickly became the universal platform.  In result, there was no longer a need for arcade cabinets, and arcade establishments started to lose popularity.

Regardless however, of all of the disadvantages of video arcade games,  as well as the capabilities of modern video game technologies, when arcades were introduced online, it became obvious that arcade games  were and are still very popular.

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